
Symptoms and diagnosis of dry eye


Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when the amount of tears produced by the eye is insufficient or when their quality is not adequate to maintain proper lubrication and good eye health. Tears are essential for keeping the surface of the eye lubricated, providing it with nutrients, and protecting it against infection. When there is a deficiency in the production or quality of tears, different symptoms may arise that, without adequate treatment, can lead to more severe complications.

Symptoms of dry eye

  • Stinging
  • Burning
  • Red or tired eyes
  • Feeling of dryness and grittiness
  • Contact lens intolerance
  • Eyelid spasms
  • Photophobia
  • Blurry vision
  • Visual acuity fluctuation

These symptoms usually worsen when the patient fixes his eyes, blinks little, or in environments with low humidity or high wind.

Diagnosis of dry eye

A good diagnosis by an ophthalmologist is very important, since in some cases the use of artificial tears is not enough to alleviate the symptoms that can be annoying and even affect the quality of life of some patients.

At the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre, we have specialized medical personnel and the most advanced technology to make the best diagnosis and apply the most appropriate treatment according to each case. To carry this out, we offer different tests that help us determine the condition of each patient:

  • Schirmer test: Measures the amount of tears produced.
  • Tear osmolarity test: Measures the degree of inflammation at the ocular surface.
  • Tear breakup test: Measures the quality of the tear film.
  • Meibography: We detect involvement in the lipid glands to prevent tear evaporation.

Currently, at the centre we offer various treatments for dry eyes, from applying moisturizers to intense pulsed light (IPL) sessions. This treatment is one of the most effective, helping to activate the meibomian glands, essential in the production of the lipid layer of tears.
